Hopefully Pixelmator Follows in the Steps of Workflow Rather Than Dark Sky
It happened folks, Pixelmator is officially part of Apple. Pixelmator’s apps have been essential to me for more than a decade. I was both excited and mildly terrified by the announcement a few months ago that they were joining the fruit company. When Apple acquires beloved products, sometimes they make them even better and sometimes they don’t. They’ve generally been doing a great job though and I hope that Pixelmator and Photomator stick around as standalone products or are at least used as the foundations for even better new ones. I certainly don’t want to see them just disappear into the Photos app, relegated to a set of features. Fingers crossed that they follow in the steps of Workflow, Shazam, and Texture and just become better versions of themselves rather than get enveloped into Apple apps like Dark Sky and Beats Music did. Man I miss those two.