These Might Just be the Prettiest Clock Widgets
Just a few days ago, a new iPhone app was released by designer Rasmus Nielsen. The app, while simple, is one of my favorites in a long time. It is called Tinker and it features some of the most beautiful clock widgets I have ever seen. Tinker is a super cool concept. You can build your own clock widgets quickly and easily. Other apps have tried to let you build your own widgets, but they tend to be unnecessarily complex and are often ugly. This app comes preloaded with a variety of gorgeous components that you can stitch together to build a gorgeous clock. The best part is that you can import your own assets though and build your own clock faces from scratch. But because of how well-designed the app is, all you have to do is import a background, an hour hand, a minute hand, and a center piece. It is easy as can be. Tinker is really just flat-out great. The button designs in the app, the animations, and especially the Home Screen icon all stand out in the best ways. You can build two clocks for free or unlock unlimited clocks for $4.99. I highly recommend you check it out. Even if you think clock widgets are superfluous like I used to, this one might just change your mind.